First Time in Bali — UN Data Innovation Conference for Policy Maker Day 1
Isn’t it amazing to see the policy makers from all over the world dressing up in local Indonesian costume?
Yes, we put down the formal dresses and suits. Gathered in Bali to discuss and share about how data innovation could make a difference in the world.
the Island of Gods
the Island of Love
the Island of Peace
It welcomed me via an invitation to the United Nations Data Innovation Conference for Policy Makers.
Our dear Indonesia friend Dr. Hakim. invited Tan Wei Kok and me (Annie An Dongmei) to this precious event.
On early 26th Nov, the international conference started. Big big boss from UN showed up in a beautiful Indonesian man top, which reminded everyone of the fact that we were in Bali.
The main hall had beautiful decoration.
After the opening ceremony, it was time for each team to present or sharing what their achievements of how they had been using Data-related Innovations to help to make the world better.
The stories from the presenters were amazing!
We caught this guy, who delivered purified water in poor areas using affordable innovative solution.
Very soon, people came to our booth to know our solution.
How was our solution going? The UN representative and conference in-charge Mr. Giulio saw the huge potential of it. He linked us up with John. who was the Invited-Consultant for Indonesia Government. John was looking for solutions like this and he was so amazed by it.
So, we were happy.
The meals were the international buffet but with Indonesian style. Dining area was so elegant and beautiful.
How about the hotel then? Accommodation and meals are provided for free for invited participants.
Wei Kok enjoyed working here at day time as well as love here at night.
Even small corners here are pleasant and romantic.
This was the first day of the conference. How was the second day?